SafetyNet Researcher Training session: Researcher Safety

by | 16 May 2024 | Past training, Uncategorised | 0 comments

The next SafetyNet Researcher Development Training session will be on Researcher Safety with Dr Ed Breckin. The session will be open to everyone within the PSRC network to attend.

The session will take place on Thursday, 30 May, 2.30 -3.30pm online.

The prominence of participant safety, as reflected in study designs and ethics applications risks relegating research safety to a secondary consideration. This Researcher Development Training session argues for the dual importance of researcher and participant safety, especially when it is routinely left to each researcher to ensure their own safety. Recommendations encourage researchers to try to anticipate, plan, and be prepared for these types of unexpected events, there is no way to do that with every topic. Rather we should ensure we engage beyond prescriptive safety and build a system of support that considers safety throughout each stage of research. Session one will focus on aspects of physical safety when conducting research and session two will examine emotional/psychological safety of researchers.

Dr Ed Breckin is a research fellow in the Supporting Safe Care in the Home theme, NIHR Yorkshire and Humber PSRC. His PhD research examined links between poverty reduction and organised crime in Mexico and has experience of conducting research in environments considered high risk. He hopes this session will provide some reflection for researchers, supervisors and the centre that it is important for us to start including safety as a vital part of research design, not just something to be concerned with at the end.


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